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Interactive Sites for Secondary Math


Interactive Secondary Math Sites

Links verified on 8/13/2014

  1. Abacus - Step by step instructions including images and an interactive abacus
  2. Chinese Abacus - Type a number, select "Add" or "Subtract", and then click on "Show Steps". The abacus will then show you step by step the movements necessary to perform the addition or subtraction.
  3. Coin Flipping page - flip up to 100 coins and see the total number of heads and tails.
  4. Convert Auto - convert just about anything automatically
  5. Equation Match - Find matching pairs of equations by working out the value of X in each equation.
  6. Factorial Calculator - enter the number you wish to find the factorial of
  7. How Old Are You? - use this calculator to see how many years, months, days, minutes or seconds you are old.
  8. Interactive Abacus Simulator - This click-able abacus includes instructions on using
  9. Learn the Abacus - interactive module designed to help you learn how to use an abacus [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  10. Prime Numbers - This site has a prime number generator and a prime number checker.
  11. Roman Numeral Calculator - Whether yov're bvilding a road, designing an aqvadvct, or covnting yovr gladiators, Compvter Romanvs will make the job easier.
  12. Russian Abacus - This version was designed for counting Russian money.
  13. Sloane's On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences - To look up a number sequence in the database, enter it at this site and click "Submit":
  14. Standard Abacus - several versions and sizes are available for this interactive abacus

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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